Milton Farmers’ Market prepares for fall

As the autumnal equinox approaches, and the rest of us begrudgingly put away our flip-flops and shorts one last time, the local vendors at the Milton Farmers’ Market dutifully prepare to peddle their fresh fall produce. At the E.L. Silvia Farm stand, customers peruse the selection of butternut squash and native green peppers, remarking on the reasonable prices. A child inquisitively tests the firmness of the pumpkins for sale at the Sunshine Farm tent. The air is not yet chilly, and the leaves stubbornly cling to their last summer green, but there is no doubt that fall is just around the corner. If you are in the mood for some local flavor and fresh produce, come join us at the town park on Wharf Street right next to the Milton Village T stop every Thursday from 1-6 pm.

Thanks for stopping by!